Setting Goals for 2020: Simple Truths for Efficient Economic Growth

Setting Goals for 2020: Simple Truths for Efficient Economic Growth

Avatar photo Amy Simpson | June 18, 2020

Our goals for 2020, while consistently staying positive, need to be influenced by an air of practicality and realism. In the insurance space, and literally every other industry, resources are limited. And while our positive outlook has manifested itself a bit more quickly than we expected, stable growth and recovery will still take time. We have to think and act smart to ensure progress towards a bright and rewarding future. 

In this industry, our clients deal with risk and risk assessment every day. Reducing potential loss is just a logical step toward maximizing the effectiveness of what you have to work with. When setting goals for this second half of 2020, there are a few truths or simple philosophies that may serve you personally and professionally during the coming prosperity. 

Conserve your mental bandwidth.

We can’t focus on everything all the time. In business or in life, what we can put productive energy into is limited by many things. We simply don’t have time, access to resources or  proximity to be everything to everyone. We can all benefit from taking a step back from, time to time, getting the lay of the land and approaching any problem with a solution that is well informed and efficiently implemented. 

You define who you are.

As an individual or as an organization, we have to figure out what it is we do—where are we proficient when we have the opportunity to be the best—and then provide real and valuable services that not only result in a profit but also bring about real and positive change. Reflecting on who you are will inform you on how to get to who you want to be. Once we have a point of origin and a destination, we can begin to plot a path towards future goals for 2020 and beyond.

You can alter your path at any time.

No one, not even the most successful of us, is perfect. No one makes the right call 100 percent of the time. We are simply human beings and that is our truth; but to be effective, to be successful, we must learn from our mistakes and make adjustments accordingly. If you make a decision and it doesn’t seem to be working out, take a step back and try to assess what happened and adjust your course in response. Getting the bigger picture prepares us and equips us for quick, decisive and positive action.

You affect others.

When you put in the work, when you try to make things better for your business, your employees, your community—these positive steps will be felt. Above all else, people are social creatures. We live in often close-knit personal and professional communities, establishing relationships on a variety of levels that tend to help us along toward any and all achievements we might make. We notice when a member of our group is doing something, working harder, building structures literally and metaphorically that will benefit our surroundings and the people in them. It is encouraging to see someone doing good, improving the world and producing something of lasting value. It motivates us to emulate positivity and productivity. 

I would always encourage all of our clients and partners to “do more.” If you see a weakness, turn what was once a flaw in the armor into your strongest attribute. Only we can ensure that our industry continues to serve its customers effectively, enhancing their lives and helping the communities we live in, personally and professionally, to grow and flourish.

The James Allen Companies has seen the resilience of our clients within the insurance industry and will continue to provide the talent they need to exceed their goals, both practically and ambitiously. 

About the Author

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Amy Simpson
Amy has more than a decade of experience successfully recruiting experienced insurance professionals. Her extensive expertise and network of contacts has allowed her to place highly skilled and nearly impossible to find candidates in underwriting, claims, loss control, sales, premium audit, marketing, human resources, IT and beyond. She loves the challenge of looking for someone who seems impossible to find. Amy is committed to exceeding her clients’ expectations and enjoys helping people to enhance their careers. Amy has two young children, Noah and Jonah, with her husband Marc. They love to travel and look forward to planning their next visit to Disney World.
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