The Secret to Interview Success
Presuming you’re qualified for the job, the consequence of your employment interview will be reliant on your capability to discover needs and empathize with the interviewer.
You can do this by asking questions that authenticate your knowledge of what the interviewer has just said, without editorializing or declaring an opinion. By establishing empathy in this manner, you’ll be in a significantly better situation to openly exchange ideas, and exhibit your qualification for the job.
In addition to empathy, there are four other impalpable principles to a successful interview. These intangibles will influence the way your personality is perceived, and will influence the degree of rapport, or personal connection you’ll share with the employer, they are:
Enthusiasm. Leave no suspicion as to your level of interest in the job. You may think it’s meaningless to do this, but employers often select the more enthusiastic candidate in the case of a two-way tie. Besides, it’s best to keep your possibilities open. Wouldn’t you rather be in a position to turn down an offer, than have a potential job evaporate from your grasp by delivering a lethargic interview?
Technical interest. Employers look for people who love what they do, and get excited by the prospect of ripping into the nitty-gritty of the job.
Confidence. No one likes a braggart, but the candidate who’s sure of his or her capabilities will almost undoubtedly be more favorably received.
Intensity. The last thing you want to do is come across as “flat” in your interview. There’s nothing inherently unfitting with being a laid back person; but sleepwalkers seldom get hired.
Most employers are conscious of how stressful it can be to interview for a new position, and will do everything they can to put you at ease.
Other Important Factors
Since interviewing also includes the exchange of reliable information, always make sure to represent your experience in a thorough and accurate manner and gather data involving the company, the industry, the position, and the specific opportunity.
A worthwhile interviewing agenda is to link your capabilities with the company needs in the thoughts of the employer so you can build a strong case for why the company should hire you. The more you know about each other, the more potential you’ll have for initiating rapport, and making a knowledgeable decision.