What Comes Next: Proactive Hiring and Why It’s Vital
The current conditions in our country and around the world are like nothing I expected. It all happened so abruptly. Almost overnight traffic was reduced to next to nothing, stores were closed “till further notice,” and the general theme of “what comes next?” is the new economic narrative.
Now look, I’m not a doctor or a disease expert, so I can’t tell you with any certainty when the worst of this will be over. I’m not an economist, so I can’t provide you with data or models to predict how this will statistically turn out—and neither can they for that matter—not yet anyway.
What I am is a recruiter who’s been in the business of recruiting for nearly thirty years, and I’ve weathered storms before. The James Allen Companies remains active, placing talent within key insurance industry roles because, quite frankly, even during all this, there is still work to do and there is going to be a lot of work to do after.
By-and-large halting your recruitment and hiring efforts is a mistake for a few reasons. For one, we do our best to responsibly streamline the recruitment process, ensuring we deliver quality hiring options to every client, for every search—but it still takes time. Right now, quite a few of us have time we otherwise wouldn’t have had. Use it. Utilize this slow-down to prepare for the inevitable resurgence.
The economy is going to experience an upswing, in which many companies and businesses will be playing catch-up because they didn’t do all they could to be sure they were ready to handle their customers’ needs. Think about it, a month or more of limited or suspended services is going to result in a great deal of business very quickly. Is your organization going to be able to handle it?
Reap the rewards of being ready, staffed and capable of handling the surge of business that’s about to come your way. The hiring market is going to see a level of competition, some of which the industry has never seen before. Acting now, securing the leadership and talent you need, is an essential investment. It is a step that will ensure stability. If you don’t act, if you wait this out, go silent or remain inactive, your choices will not only limit the talent you have to choose from, but the potential growth you could achieve by being able to successfully handle a greater level of activity than your competitors.
The James Allen Companies can help you stay ahead of the curve by putting all of our recruitment experience and digital expertise to work building your teams and making sure you’re ready to take advantage of what I know is going to be a very bright period in the insurance industry.