Are You Making Hiring Too Hard On Yourself? Agency Partners Can Help
Corporate recruiters and internal HR managers are often faced with a daunting number of tasks to get the recruiting and hiring process underway and completed within a certain timeframe. This leads to stressed employees who struggle under unrealistic expectations and often settle for poor candidates who make due when a deadline looms.
That’s nerve wracking for everyone, especially if you’re large enough to always be hiring. It leads to burnout and a feeling that every person is a liability, not an asset. Your team deserves the help they need to hire properly and the freedom to focus on the people who will make your company better.
As an agency partner, we’re here to streamline the process and get you focused on securing the candidate. Your success is our success, which is why we provide three big benefits.
Get Access to the Best Talent Pool
Employee referrals are one of the best sources for hiring qualified talent who are happy in a new position and fit well within a company’s existing culture. People know their friends and former coworkers and can imagine them honestly in a new setting.
A review of recruiting in 2016 from Lever found that employee referrals account for about 16% of total hires, and a referred employee is 10 times more likely to be hired than a candidate who applies in the traditional way.
How can an agency like The James Allen Companies help you capture more referrals? We have the benefit of access to highly-qualified applicants. We also have a broad range of referral services and are often the first place people suggest when their friend or former coworker is looking for a new place of employment.
Candidates test the waters with recruiters because we allow them to see what’s available. Building a strong relationship with us provides you access to top talent looking for a change.
Pull Out The Weeds Right Away
You have make-it-or-break-it elements in your hiring process based on your experience. These can include needing someone who is a team player, having versatility so that every position is comfortable making presentations, or needing references for specific knowledge and skills.
When you get to the interview process, explaining these to each candidate and then doing your verification can take time and will often require work beyond the interview. This adds days to the process, slowing you down and forcing you to live with a skill gap for longer periods of time.
Recruitment agencies like us can help get these general questions and requirements out of the way for you before the candidate ever lands on your desk leaving you with a prioritized list of candidates that meet your requirements, allowing you to select from the best after we’ve separated the wheat from the chaff of the initial applicants.
Avoid the Common “No”
Candidates will decline job offers sometimes, which makes the arduous hiring process someone even more painful. Not only are we experts in helping you find the right talent for your needs, but we also can provide an additional ear for the candidate to learn about reservations and concerns, then help you to address those and turn a “no” into a “yes!”
We create a substantial number of opportunities to highlight why they should join you for the betterment of their careers. We gauge how a candidate may react to a counter offer from their employer, address resignation cold feet by showcasing your values, and maintain a clean line to candidates where they can ask us questions, encouraging consistent communication.
We Help, Not Hurt, Your Chance of Success
Remember, a talent agency like The James Allen Companies is just another weapon in your arsenal. You can use us tactically so that we bolster and support your hiring success, without harming your reputation or your standing.
Some corporate recruiters or HR managers will look down on getting outside help or see it as something that hurts their pride on an individual level. However, we work with you to find and land the best candidates, so you’ll actually be able to take pride in how well you’re performing when it comes to doing what’s right for your team, management, and company health.
You’re best candidate isn’t going to wait, and neither should you. Discover them today.